Final Opening Sequence

Final Opening Sequence

Final Preliminary Task

Final Preliminary Task

Saturday 2 October 2010

Applying Todorov's Theory To Disturbia

Who are the agents: the protogonist and antagonist?

The protogonist is Kale, a young white male who propels the story along by attempting to reveal the secrets of the antagonist. The antagonist is Mr
2. Describe the Equilibrium. How is it represented? What kind of camera shots can you identify? (e.g establishing shots to create a sense of space or use of CUs/cutaways to emphasise particular objects/characters faces). Pick out 2 or 3 examples. Describe the mise-en-scene: what meanings to the props/costumes/lighting/framing carry?
3. Is the Disruption or Disequilibrium introduced or hinted at? (e.g the serial killer in "Seven" is introduced in the title sequence).
4. Are there any visual/verbal/aural clues that hint at what the hero's journey might be? (e.g having to solve the murders within a time-limit of seven days in "Seven")
5. From your knowledge of the film, how will the equilibrium be restored and what will be the new equilibrium?

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