Final Opening Sequence

Final Opening Sequence

Final Preliminary Task

Final Preliminary Task

Tuesday 5 April 2011

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back upon my preliminary task, the biggest thing that it made me aware of was continuity. Within school, before the preliminary task, I had not had to consider continuity as we have either been dealing with still pictures, or trailers for which continuity does not play a part. Therefore, when working on the short sequence for the preliminary task, it allowed me to make sure that when filming, we would have enough footage for editing so as to make the match-on-action work well and make a flawless and immersive viewing experience. It also made me very aware that we have time restraints and that taking even just the 5-6 shots that we took takes a lot longer than predicted. I do feel like the preliminary task helped me in realising that the process of creating, planning, filming and editing even just a 2 minute sequence is a difficult one, and it most definitely prepared me for this final task.

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